Tuesday, July 18, 2006

No news is....

not good news! But we are patiently awaiting the news that we might, at some time, hopefully within the year 2006, get a house. Things are moving slowly, and the builders assure us they are working as fast as possible...but we are beginning to have doubts! Hopefully they will get a work permit soon so we have more than just weeds. just look a few posts down; that is what our "house" stil looks like!

In wedding news, Saturday is SHOPPING DAY! It's time to order invitations, rental stuff, and other wedding parafanalia! Just 3 months and a week to go! It will be a race to see who finishes first-the house or the wedding-will it be a story of the tortise and the hare, or just of the slow builders and the wedding that took 9 months to plan? Stay tuned to find out!

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