Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Matt would like it to be known that he does NOT think 10 Things I Hate about You (see our profile, which was made before Matt was in the picture) is one of his favorite movies...although I would submit to you that he watched the WHOLE movie Sunday while I was ASLEEP! Anyway, just as a reminder, the profile which you can read by clicking on our picture (I think, around the picture somewhere anyway), is a creation of mine, from a long time ago... 2 failed blogs ago to be exact. I think it was because there were no beach balls.


Anonymous said...

um...I think I was...um, the thing is...well, where'd that beach ball come from?!
And who let the Alligator out?!!? - Matt

Anonymous said...

Matt, you're such a nerd! Just admit you like the movie, its a great one!!-Neta