Sunday, July 15, 2007

Why I Otter...

after so many visits to the zoo without seeing any otters, we arrived just in time for the otter show! they frolicked, they swam, and in the end,they all caught a fishy for lunch!

we also saw the white tigers, the penguins (and watched them eat lunch), and a menagerie of other wild animals.

Then, we came home to our own menagerie, where Parker finagled his way to stying outside the whole time we were gone...Oops!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Happy fourth of July to everyone. We have had a good day with family, napping, and last but not least, Olive Garden. What a way to spend a day off in the middle of the week. Now, just two more days of work and we will be off again! Cool, huh?

What did you do for the fourth? Leave a comment!